I135KL0LD519MI4.31Kln/awhoissourceRank10.8KPIN0Summary reportDiagnosisDensity53114n/a Top 10 benefits of Liver food - STAY-SMART-AND-FIT

Top 10 benefits of Liver food

    Stay Smart and fit by making  your liver stronger and healthier:

    Tips and benefits to keep your liver healthy;

    The liver is performing a variety of essential tasks, ranging from producing proteins, cholesterol, and bile to storing vitamins, minerals, and even carbohydrates.

    The liver breaks down toxins like alcohol, medications, and metabolism. Keeping your liver in good shape.

    Most people do not think about what foods are good for their liver.  
    However, if you find and use foods that are healthy for the rest of your life, 

    you are probably helping your liver.


    So here is also a list of healthy foods that will lead to a healthy and healthy liver.

    Fats - use extra virgin olive oil when preparing food. 

    This oil can be heated to medium temperature without causing free radicals. Use flaxseed oil or fish oil daily.

    Use Ghee, which does not require refrigeration, or raw butter, Sunflower.

    Safflower and other seed oils should be stored in the refrigerator so that they do not become rancid. When you eat a lot of fat, fat accumulates in the liver. The liver is responsible for breaking down fat and using it for energy.

    Fat accumulated in the liver can be rancid and produce free radicals that damage liver cells. Food - try to buy and eat good natural foods.

    Foods sprayed with pesticides are difficult to clean

    These chemicals will enter your body like free radicals and reduce the amount of protein you eat.

    Most of us only need 2-3 ounces of protein 

    When you do a physical activity you need a lot more. The problem is that most of these proteins may not digest completely in the stomach and then move to the colon. When this undigested protein decomposes, bad bacteria produce a toxic substance. These toxins can enter the bloodstream and cause the liver to do extra work in slowing down.

    Sulfur Diet - As the liver produces enzymes.

    Sulfur diets are used in all the body's chemical reactions; you can support this function by eating foods such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli cabbage, seeds, and nuts. Vitamins - minerals - nutrients - The liver, like all parts of the body, needs vitamins and minerals. Get this from fruit and vegetables or fruit and vegetable juice.

    Ionic minerals, easily absorbed, can be purchased in bottles of Water OZ and other products. These ionic minerals can be easily added to your juices without adding an unusual flavor.

    Sugar reduces or eliminates sugar intake because it interferes with the function of the enzyme throughout your body.


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    Use fruits, whole grains, barley sprouts, rice syrup, dates, dried fruits, and honey

    Lecithin - use lecithin daily to get Phosphatidylcholine, the PC you provide. The PC helps to build the liver cell membrane to create a healthy liver.

    Use lecithin by adding them to salads and other liquid food preparations including smoothies. When you have it, a small list of foods you should eat to help your liver give you a longer life.

    You are probably already eating some of these foods and if you do, then, it will be easier to add just one healthy eating habit.

    Stay Smart and fit even after the 50s. Lead a healthier life by choosing a healthy lifestyle and healthy food.



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