About Us
SAEED SHAHANI, MBA, CMA is the Founder of STAY SMART AND FIT Certified Health & Nutrition Life Coach, and Hypnotherapist.
He has a passion for health
and fitness. He has a wide experience of working with
international companies.
Summary of
Personal Training and Development:
Dr. Stephen Covey’s developed
- 8th Habit from Effectiveness to Greatness - Franklin Covey, Cyprus
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People for Managers. -Franklin Covey, Dubai
- 4 Roles of Leadership, -Franklin Covey
- Focus: Achieving Highest Priorities -Franklin Covey
- 4 Disciplines
of Execution – Franklin Covey
First Institute of Dynamic Learning Certified by Dr. Richard Bandler the co-founder of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) for Society of NLP (USA).
- Licensed NLP Practitioner Certification Training
- Hypnosis Practitioner Training
- Charismatic Public Speaking Training
- Personal Empowerment Through NLP
- DOUBLE Your Reading Speed & Develop Better Memory & Concentration
- Master of Self through NLP
Institute of
Mind Sciences
- The Fourth Dimension – Mind Power
- Magnetic Money Mind
Institute of
- Communication skills development
Stay Smart and Fit is a Global brand, providing quality health and fitness promotion products as per popular demand. Our Aim is to Promote healthy activities, Stress-free quality time, and Motivate people to achieve a peaceful life.
Stay Smart and Fit is a Global brand, providing quality health and fitness promotion products as per popular demand. Our Aim is to Promote healthy activities, Stress-free quality time, and Motivate people to achieve a peaceful life.
If you have any queries regarding the Site, Advertisement, and any other issue, please feel free to contact at contact@staysmartandfit.com