I135KL0LD519MI4.31Kln/awhoissourceRank10.8KPIN0Summary reportDiagnosisDensity53114n/a How to Stay Smart and fit with Healthy Eating!! - STAY-SMART-AND-FIT

How to Stay Smart and fit with Healthy Eating!!

    Tips for making healthy food choices

    Healthy Eating Habits will help you to maintain your ideal weight. 

    Even you can lose weight!

    Eating Habit plays a key role in your life.

    Watch carefully what you eat and consume in your daily routine. HEALTH is WEALTH, Once you lost your health it is very difficult to get it back. Stay Healthy and beautiful by keeping your life smooth and easy.

    Avoid heavy foods, bedsheets, or sauces.

    Try to avoid fried foods and fast foods.

    Eat with your friend or take half of it home.

    Work with solid foods, such as apples or yogurt, as well as fruits and vegetables

    Eating healthy does not guarantee that you will lose weight. Your weight is the balance between the calories you consume and the calories you burn.

    Make half your plate of fruits and vegetables.

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    Make half of the grain you eat whole grains.

    Switch to skimmed or skimmed milk (1%).

    Choose the type of solid protein diet.

    Compare sodium in food. 

    Drink water instead of alcohol. 


    Reduce solid fat. As you enter into an active lifestyle, you will discover the type of food that gives you the most energy and which has the most negative effects. The key is to learn to listen to your body and to focus on what makes you feel good and useful. 

    Please visit my Instagram @staysmartandfit for healthy food choices.


    If you have any doubts, feel free to inform me!
