Importance of Strong Fit Muscles
Good health is way more than battling the scale – we need good quality muscle mass.
is what triggers a chemical reaction that tells every single cell in our
tissues, organs, and systems to repair, rebuild and renew itself.
It’s no secret that strong, fit-muscles are mandatory for body strength but not
many people realize that muscle mass also serves as the body’s armor and
defense against illness and disease, improving more than just
body composition, muscle force, and mobility.
It’s in our genetic blueprint – our bodies cannot stay healthy
without consistent vigorous exercise and that means strong lean muscles.
Strength training is key.
Strong muscles open the door to a strong immune system. Strong
muscles make the bodywork better at repairing tissue and fighting off disease
as well as dealing with stress.
They are, in effect, a protective shield in the body against
disease, leading us to stellar health and longevity.
Why do people get sick when they feel stressed or depressed?
Because the immune system slows down when stress hormones are released.
Studies reveal that regular strength training exercise provides long-term immune protection – because it causes adaptations that allow the body to withstand stress and recover from it more efficiently.
How exercise
helps us deal with stress:
helps reduce the release of stress hormones and releases good hormones instead.
exercise provides an outlet for and consumes much of the nervous energy
produced by stress.
shifts ones’ focus away from any external factors producing the stress.
If we don’t consistently give the body the correct stimulus that
triggers muscle growth and strengthens the immune system, once we reach our
mid-twenties, things begin to shift and the slow process of muscle wasting
In other words, if our
muscles are not getting the physical “work” required (what they
were created for – their reason for being), they will start losing about ½
pound of muscle tissue loss per year from disuse.
If that’s not bad enough, after age 50 this number doubles.
This change in body composition – the loss of precious muscle
tissue accompanied by an increase in body fat – puts extra strain on all
systems, siphoning away strength, weakening the entire body, and opening the
door to disease.
reality is after we reach the age of 30, we basically have two options
available to us –
We can
either give in to the long process of becoming weaker with time (destroying our
immune system along the way) or we can work at maintaining our strength
(building our immune system) for the rest of our life.
Loss of lean muscle with increased body fat causes way more
damage than what appears in the mirror or even the effects it has on our immune
Weak flabby muscles cannot help the heart push oxygen and
nutrient-rich blood around the body so all cells, tissues, and organs suffer.
This changes the balance of fats in the blood and can lead to heart attack
and stroke. It also alters sugar metabolism increasing obesity and diabetes.
Even the brain suffers a downgrade and this is dangerous
because it is the central
processing unit – comparable to the hard drive on a computer.
The bottom line
is this – the loss of muscle tissue hastens
the degenerative processes and conditions that characterize the dreaded aging
process. When the bodily systems weaken, including the immune system, it leaves
one exposed to life-threatening disease and illness.
It’s not
only physical health that suffers, but mental and emotional health suffers as
well. Moods, anxiety, stress levels, levels of happiness, and satisfaction with
your life are all impacted by the loss of lean muscle tissue.
Strength training – the one simple lifestyle strategy amounting
to 2-3 total hours each week dedicated to maintaining your physique, provides
you with a strong immune system offering a massive reduction in disease risk
and ultimately extended health and longevity.
Activity that works our muscular system forces us to grow. So,
what are you waiting for?
Isn’t it time to right the wrongs you have committed against
your body? You can regain vitality, muscular strength, endurance and lead a
higher quality of life beginning now…
For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you
in attaining your health and fitness goals and achieving the success you desire
in life, please visit:
Stay Smart and Fit
If you have any doubts, feel free to inform me!