I135KL0LD519MI4.31Kln/awhoissourceRank10.8KPIN0Summary reportDiagnosisDensity53114n/a HEALTHY BENEFITS OF OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES in 2023 - STAY-SMART-AND-FIT


How to arrange - Outdoor Activities and Spending Quality Time to Stay Healthy and Fit.

Studies unanimously concluded that turning to nature is linked to stress relief reduced depression and anxiety lowered blood pressure and can help decrease the risk of heart disease and much more.

Health benefits of outdoor enjoyment

 Now no one is claiming that nature will cure disease on its own but physicians are encouraging their patients to take advantage of the mental and physical benefits of spending time in a green space now we have some examples of things you can do or what it does for your relaxation.

These studies have shown that spending time outdoors can decrease levels of the hormone cortisol lower blood pressure and relieve stress amazing physical activity, we have heard for decades that moderate physical activity is important for anybody wanting to improve their health.

 I'm not suggesting that you go to a gym, do yoga stretch, walk, bike, working around the house. You make the choice and check the internet it can open a world of opportunities for mental health this research also proves that spending quality time in a green space can relieve the symptoms of depression and anxiety and lifts your mood helping to avoid the feeling of loneliness and separation also social support parts are social meeting places.

I meet dozens of people on my walking tap I do that about every three days and I always say hi I've made casual friends also social support, parks, and recreation areas are social meeting places where you can interact with people as you enjoy the green space. I always say hi to people as I'm on my walk and I do that every other day on a 2-mile walking path also fresh air.

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We have been told for decades that air pollution is linked to many illnesses ranging from respiratory problems to cancer and heart disease so breathing clean air may help reduce those risks so when you're soaking in the beauty of the great outdoors give yourself time to enjoy the feelings of generosity selflessness and maybe you’ll adopt a new perspective it's about making a positive choice about your life rather than a punitive choice.



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